Tag: <span>shamans</span>

Forest Gardens and Ancestral Health in the Urbanising Ecuadorian Amazon

I have given a variation of talks on the same central lessons that I have learned while working with indigenous peoples in the Amazon, particularly the Amazon as a horticultural artefact and, in this talk, the problems that urbanization entails for the practice and livelihoods of shamans. Here is a video of a version delivered at the 2019 World Ayahuasca Conference in Girona, where I was a little nervous in the vast theatre, its strong spot lights and … …

Yachaks, knowledge, ayahuasca and protection

This is a brief extract from my thesis (more on that here), featuring an interview with a Kichwa shaman about yachaks, knowledge, ayahuasca and protection. 5.3.1 Wizards and Fighter Jets. “How do you protect your knowledge?” I asked a middle-aged yachak [‘one who knows’, plural yachakuna], a traditional Kichwa healer, wizard and community adviser, as we were preparing a large amount of ayahuasca brew, the hallucinogenic drink ‘that makes you see’, and ultimately, ‘know and heal’. “You need … …