Tag: <span>more-than-sustainable</span>

introduction to :subsistence matters:

This site collects materials and findings from my on-going research on the foundation of human existence: food, care, land; specifically for the purposes of enriching the human habitat and the complex web of life which sustains our livelihoods. My name is Nina Isabella Moeller and I’m Associate Professor of Political Ecology and People’s Knowledge at Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (30%) and Associate Professor at SDU Food Lab (70%), where I currently work on urban food planning. … …

‘More-than-sustainable’ cultural forests of Amazonian pasts

Title: ‘More-than-sustainable’ cultural forests of Amazonian pasts: The other side of the anthropocene and the future human habitat. Abstract: The anthropocene, despite contested meanings and definitions, tends to imply a ‘negative impact human social metabolism’. On the basis of a nascent action research project on ancestral chakras (traditional forest garden systems) in the Ecuadorian Amazon with Napo Runa (lowland Kichwa) communities, I explore ‘the other side of the anthropocene’ in the praxis of ‘cultural forests’ (Balée 2013). Archaeologists … …