Tag: <span>forest gardens</span>

Project launch

The municipality of our hosts in Archidona posted this nice little video with segments from the project launch: Municipalidad de Archidona welcomes Power of the Chakra, a research collaboration to explore the Kichwa (or Napo Runa) “chakra”, which traditionally is a family’s network of intergenerational forest gardens in the Upper Napo region of the Amazon. As civilisation marches forth the forest falls and from the ashes rises the chakra, because subsistence matters. What the chakra of the future … …

Forest Gardens and Ancestral Health in the Urbanising Ecuadorian Amazon

I have given a variation of talks on the same central lessons that I have learned while working with indigenous peoples in the Amazon, particularly the Amazon as a horticultural artefact and, in this talk, the problems that urbanization entails for the practice and livelihoods of shamans. Here is a video of a version delivered at the 2019 World Ayahuasca Conference in Girona, where I was a little nervous in the vast theatre, its strong spot lights and … …