Tag: <span>agroecology</span>

Agroecology for Europe

This is an EU project that pays for 5% of my time at Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience. It has its own website where you can find out everything about the project. Started in January 2021, Agroecology for Europe is a coordination and support action project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Coming together, sharing experiences  The project gathers 12 European partners from 10 countries bundling different backgrounds, expertise and experience reflecting … …

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology: Agroecology

Together with Michel Pimbert, Jasber Singh and Colin Anderson we’ve had the pleasure and privilege of co-authoring an entry for the ‘Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology’ on ‘Agroecology’. It is currently freely available, but unfortunately it will move behind a paywall on September 29, 2021″. So get it now for your archives! If you want to discuss this entry, do not hesitate to get in touch and if you wonder what this encyclopedia is, then their modest claim … …

degrowth2020: food matters

Call for interventions – *Food matters* the role of your dinner plate in degrowing the economy: Extended deadline: Tuesday, March 10 A subtheme at *Degrowth2020* the 7th International Degrowth and 16th ISEE Joint Conference: Building Alternative Livelihoods in times of ecological and political crisis *Manchester 1 to 5 September 2020* As the world races toward a projected 9 billion inhabitants, the failings of dominant food systems are impossible to deny: severely polluting, the cause of malnutrition, unevenly distributed, … …

Radical transformation of not just our food systems, but of the whole of our world

This is a short talk I was invited to give on a panel at the Oxford Real Farming Conference in 2019 with the title ‘RECLAIMING RESEARCH FOR REAL FOOD & FARMING: resetting the agenda for the public good‘. In the talk I bring together some elements of my work on (the lack of) agroecological funding (shorter version in The Conversation) and the Amazon, where I have worked with Kichwa and Shipibo people since 2005. There is an audio … …