Tag: <span>Agroecology Coalition</span>

Measuring agroecology

How long is a piece of (agroecological) string? Beneath the obvious methodological and conceptual concerns about “measuring agroecology” are philosophical questions concerning acts of quantification and qualification. These speak to elementary aspects of how we as humans perceive, present and make the world in which we live with everyone else in the complex web of life. In the future I would like to devote more time to think about these underlying intellectual language games in order to underpin … …

How to value and fund agroecological transformation

Since writing Absent Agroecology Aid: On UK Agricultural Development Assistance Since 2010 (pdf) with Michel Pimbert in 2018 lots has happened in this area of research. As I continued exploring the theme(s) it became clear that a slightly more comprehensive methodological framework was required for better understanding agroecology in design and evaluation. Essentially, how can you estimate funding flows to agroecology, unless you have a pretty good idea of what “agroecology” is, means and should be, in your … …